Small collection of my creative / production work. (Click on thumbs).

News, posts, blogs, work & music related. Interesting stuff.
SUV MYCO Units ANNUAL REDESIGN GALORE "REALLY? AGAIN?..." Yes, I'm doing it again... ...and this time it will kick ass - as always... It's about that time of the year. We don't have a "rule", or anything saying that we need to re-design our perfectly fine MYCO...
Google Web Designer
Google Web Designer HOW TO ANIMATE ONLINE MEDIA UNITS "Two steps forward, five steps back" I miss Flash, almost romantically ...but it's gone, gone, gone (like the song) So after many years of animating, coding (AS1, AS2, AS3...well scrape the latest, I never got into...
All Those Placements
Online Media Placements WHERE DO ALL THOSE BANNERS GO? by Haris BANNERS! Soooo I know I said I won't write about my Online Media banners anymore...well, sue me. It's what I do some 36.2% of the time, anyway. Well, what happens with those banners, expandable units,...
Lincoln Online Media
New Lincoln MYCO are in progress - Yes, we're changing the templates again, and not only that - now we're separating them between a "regular" MYCO units and a special, event-driven MYCO banners (Spring event, Sumer event, etc...). So here are few examples of the brand...
Ford Summer Event
I am working on a bunch of Ford Summer Event online media units. You can check an early animation prototype below. A fun project to do, especially when also designing a 2016 Lincoln Summer Event and all other online media (and there's a LOT of it). The worst thing...
Independence Day Shirt
I got commissioned to design an official '4th of July' Shirt for VetFriends(.com). It's a great organization that's helping U.S. Military Veterans Reconnect and I've already designed few of their designs (as seen in my few previous posts). Here are two designs shown,...
U.S. Coast Guard Shirt Design
After I've designed the shirt for Veterans (see my previous post), I got commissioned to do the same, but for the US Coast Guard. I've also designed 2 versions, one for light and another for dark shirts. The client has decided to have me design their organization's...
Fallen Soldier Shirt
Last weekend I did something that deserves to be listed here, even tho many projects I work on never get mentioned on my website (it's crowded anyway). I got commissioned to come up with a design for a shirt, on a theme "All gave some, some gave all" (Military related...
Ford Military Bonus Event
Even though I've decided not to make posts about my day to day work (if it's not really something special), this one is kinda cool. See, I developed the look and feel of the Ford's new Veterans and Military Personal Sales Event, not expecting it to go through,...
AudioPhilics Logo Design
Design company I co-founded, PunkGraphic(.com), got an interesting job - designing a new logo for a manufacturer of Power amps, Pre amps, DAC's and other audio equipment. This was a quick one. We delivered some 3 versions, client liked them all but settled on this...
Taurus Sho vs Audi – reminiscence
OK, this project is already posted somewhere on this website, but seeing it again after all these years, I just had to re-post it. I am very proud of the Homepage Takeover for Taurus SHO I conceptualized, designed and produced. I cut videos, coded Flash and animated...
Lincoln Tennis Banner – reminiscence
OK I was really happy to find this long lost (and forgotten) piece I did some 5 years ago. I remember having to conceptualize, design and animate a flash banner for (then) new Lincoln MKS. The client wanted it to reflect the (then) current Lincoln TV spots. There was...

All 10 releases for only $49.99! Get my discography in one convenient package, including music videos, cover artwork, photos, info. Featuring BONUS track “Breathe In Water” – 2016 and a full newly released album “Ingray – Live in Detroit“. Bitcoin accepted.