Small collection of my creative / production work. (Click on thumbs).

News, posts, blogs, work & music related. Interesting stuff.
One Last Call – Full movie
Short Indie Film done by me and few close friends is about crime and remorse. Story about two thugs who, after murdering a girl at the party, die in a car crash (without even knowing it), only to face Angel of Death, who will make them beg for forgiveness before...
Lincoln Summer Event
It's always nice to see something you've spent so much time on (with the rest of the company) finally taking shape and getting published. We did many home page takeovers, summer sale banners, units, TV commercials - all following the new look and feel. Now the problem...
2015 Mustang HPTO
2015 Mustang Homepage Takeover for Autotrader.com (Dec 2014). Featuring Desktop, Tablet and Mobile versions. Youtube videos are unlisted and for personal portfolio preview only. Watch the Walk Through Videos - Deskop, Tablet and Mobile...
2015 Lincoln MKC – KBB
Homepage Takeover for 2015 Lincoln MKC - went live on on www.kbb.com (and later on Autotrader.com) featuring Matthew Mcconaughey. Aside from a desktop version, I've also done design for tablet and mobile executions in all the sizes. This was a fun project with a lot...
Lincoln Mailers
I wasn't very happy with my previous round of Lincoln Mailers so I took some time to do another few versions. This is one of those nice projects where I have total control and freedom to do what I want. Of course, it still has to go through 15 layers of approval, but...
Daytona Week 2015 Logo
Last weekend I've had a fun project designing a logo for Daytona Bike Week 2015. It's a huge annual event with over 500,000 bikers and people from all over the place. I did few designs, they will be using two of them. Client loved it. Moving onto something else...
Designs in Detroit in 2014 by me
2014 was a busy year for me. I did MANY Automotive designs, concepts, homepage takeovers (2015 Lincoln MKC, 2015 Ford Mustang, etc); I've re-designed the whole MYCO Tier 2 Line of Flash banners (for both, Ford and Lincoln) - including flash produced prototypes to...
Madam X Music Video
Music video for Madam X ("Another 80's rock song") is officially out and released (watch it below). Shot at the Sweden Rock Festival 2014 and edited in Detroit. Reviews are awesome, but the work on band's stuff is far from over. After designing their Logo, CD Cover,...
2014 Fusion hpto
2014 Ford Fusion Homepage Takeover - Still Comps - Published on Autotrader.com I just got the stats of one of my recently published units (a flash widget that plays over preroll TV commercials on sites like hulu, etc.). 1.7Mil impressions, with 2.7% ClickThrough rate!...
2015 Mustang HPTO
Proudly announcing that the new 2015 Mustang Homepage Takeover is alive on Autotrader.com (Dec 2014). Featuring Desktop, Tablet and Mobile versions. Youtube videos are unlisted and for personal portfolio preview only. This was the last Homepage Takeover done in 2014...
2015 Mustang HPTO
Homepage Takeover design and production work in progress for all-new 2015 Mustang HPTO. Featuring GT, EcoBoost and V6. there will be some eye candies as well as ear candies. You guessed right, this baby PURRRRRS! Also you won't believe this HPW and MPG. It's all...
Lincoln Mailers 2015
And it's all back to normal again - after a nice long Holiday, I'm designing more Automotive stuff. Just finished redesign for Ford Direct Dealer Websites (it ended up different that I wanted it to be since client insisted on orange buttons and soooooo much navigation...

All 10 releases for only $49.99! Get my discography in one convenient package, including music videos, cover artwork, photos, info. Featuring BONUS track “Breathe In Water” – 2016 and a full newly released album “Ingray – Live in Detroit“. Bitcoin accepted.