Small collection of my creative / production work. (Click on thumbs).

News, posts, blogs, work & music related. Interesting stuff.
Focus OLM
Early concepts for Focus OLM units.
Focus Game
Interactive Game design for Ford Focus.
Ford Flex - Homepage takeover concept with removing the actual vehicle and focusing on the feeling and experience of driving and comfort, staged in the theater environment.
Explorer Yahoo Reveal
Yahoo homepage - reveal of the new Explorer
Commute Cost Calc
Commute Cost Calculator - design
Car Driver Website
Website design for Car Driver (Ford)
Chevy Nation
Logo, branding, website for a large Chevy project - Chevy Nation.
Car Cards
Car Cards - Placement of Ford vehicles and page design.

All 10 releases for only $49.99! Get my discography in one convenient package, including music videos, cover artwork, photos, info. Featuring BONUS track “Breathe In Water” – 2016 and a full newly released album “Ingray – Live in Detroit“. Bitcoin accepted.