Small collection of my creative / production work. (Click on thumbs).

News, posts, blogs, work & music related. Interesting stuff.
2014 Lincoln OLM Design
New Look and Feel for 2014 Lincoln Online Media Units I did. 3 Standard sizes, 728x90, 300x250 and 160x600. Approved by client in November 2013.
Lincoln hpto(s) – Vintage
Lincoln Microsite for early model of MKS. I did it's Homepage Takeover on Yahoo.com. Just few segments of this HPTO are shown, including some of my flash animated banners (Animating always relaxed me). Vendor did a 3D stage and transition CG's for the micro-site,...
Chevy Malibu
Website design for Chevy Malibu. Features page.
Chevy Banners
Several examples of 160x600 standard flash units. Animated in Flash (also by me), these banners lived in all 3 main sizes, all over the web. I've done hundreds of those, but the few shown were among the first I did, so I am emotionally attached to them.
Lincoln MKZ
Online Banners (flash & HTML) and microsites for Lincoln MKZ. Random examples.
Mercury Event
Mercury Sales Event online media unit, featuring Jill Wagner (the host of WipeOut)
SYNC Game Widget
SYNC powered by Microsoft. Awarded game widget (OMMA 2009). I was a part of the team. Artwork by Jamie Hewlett (from the band Gorillas).
Spotify Contest
Ford Spotify Contest - (Get few free months of internet radio) - design card I did among other units.
Live Nation
Ford Concert Cash - Exclusive Member Card Design - 2013. Including Website Landing Pages, cards, posters and other units.
SYNC powered by microsoft - widgets
Ford Dealer – Cards
Spotify w/SYNC and and Live Nation Ford Contest 2013
Mustang HPTO video
My Video edit made for Mustang Homepage Takeover.

All 10 releases for only $49.99! Get my discography in one convenient package, including music videos, cover artwork, photos, info. Featuring BONUS track “Breathe In Water” – 2016 and a full newly released album “Ingray – Live in Detroit“. Bitcoin accepted.