Chevy Nation – Final

Chevy Nation – Final

Fragments of the final Chevy Nation Website. That was a huge project, done by CE and few vendor companies, all animated in Flash (hey, back then flash was big), powered by hundreds of small .XML scripts we would write, re-write and upload usually ’till 3.00AM,...

Yes. It was a big one. Re-design of the official website. Late concept, one of few I did, after which it got changed by legal people, product people, analytic people, project managers, campaign managers, internal brains, client and God. The final version...
Battle of the Bands

Battle of the Bands

Website designs for Chevy’s Battle of the Band Website. I worked on this for few days, going back and forth with project managers (designer’s biggest enemies). I liked the way it turned out, considering that the majority of these comps were designed...
Battle of the Bands2

Battle of the Bands2

More of the websites (Jeez, it’s like I didn’t do anything other than the bloody websites over there, and I surely am! This is a Chevy Battle of the Bands Concept – Close-up on the portion above fold. I always thought it looked spectacular, since...
CD Covers

CD Covers

CD Cover Designs for Chevy Music (Silverado). It’s strange that I (as a digital creative) actually got pulled many times by Chevy Traditional design teams (print, that’s the CMYK things in 300dpi and all that jazz). Once I jumped in to help on some small...

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