AB Testing of Lincoln OLM

AB Testing of Lincoln OLM

Split Testing A/B OF MYCO ONLINE MEDIA Which one will win? Well... ... that is something no one knows yet.   So, after re-designing the new Lincoln MYCO set of OLM units, I also designed a similar set, but in a different color. Instead of blue/white, I've done it...

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Google Web Designer

Google Web Designer

Google Web Designer HOW TO ANIMATE ONLINE MEDIA UNITS "Two steps forward, five steps back" I miss Flash, almost romantically ...but it's gone, gone, gone (like the song) So after many years of animating, coding (AS1, AS2, AS3...well scrape the latest, I never got into...

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All Those Placements

All Those Placements

Online Media Placements WHERE DO ALL THOSE BANNERS GO? by Haris BANNERS! Soooo I know I said I won't write about my Online Media banners anymore...well, sue me. It's what I do some 36.2% of the time, anyway. Well, what happens with those banners, expandable units,...

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Ford Summer Event

Ford Summer Event

I am working on a bunch of Ford Summer Event online media units. You can check an early animation prototype below. A fun project to do, especially when also designing a 2016 Lincoln Summer Event and all other online media (and there's a LOT of it). The worst thing...

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Independence Day Shirt

Independence Day Shirt

I got commissioned to design an official '4th of July' Shirt for VetFriends(.com). It's a great organization that's helping U.S. Military Veterans Reconnect and I've already designed few of their designs (as seen in my few previous posts). Here are two designs shown,...

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U.S. Coast Guard Shirt Design

U.S. Coast Guard Shirt Design

After I've designed the shirt for Veterans (see my previous post), I got commissioned to do the same, but for the US Coast Guard. I've also designed 2 versions, one for light and another for dark shirts. The client has decided to have me design their organization's...

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Fallen Soldier Shirt

Fallen Soldier Shirt

Last weekend I did something that deserves to be listed here, even tho many projects I work on never get mentioned on my website (it's crowded anyway). I got commissioned to come up with a design for a shirt, on a theme "All gave some, some gave all" (Military related...

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