(This post is some 8 months late, but I was too busy to do it sooner.)

Well, everything awesome has to end at some point because nothing lasts forever. Time for me to go and to leave my awesome, unbelievable team (of the best kick-ass creatives) to their destiny, to keep creating creative damage without a crazy foreigner. However, I am sure they will do just fine, in years to come. They will nail all the future tasks and challenges they’ll have to face. They will do great. It’s the best fckin team at GTB and I am proud to say I was there when it happened!”

I am now joining a different group – the one that somehow left a tiny little mark on this team / company / industry and eventually moved on. Never thought I’m gonna be on this side of the coin, but what’s life if not a spinning circle of shit, success, falls and getting ups.  And moving-ons.

I’ve been with Wunderman / Team Detroit / GTB for almost 10 long, but beautiful years. I worked on thousands of creative projects, animations, banners, homepage takeovers, all kinds of online media stuff, print pieces, tv stuff, designs, videos, photo shots, presentations and everything else. I still stand behind every single piece I’ve done for the Company and I hope I’ve left some part of me to stay there, in memory of those who are still facing everyday challenges with their brilliant creative minds (well, it’s less and less of that, considering all the new, entitled hipster, de-genderized little pricks who will eventually inherit the whole thing and then crash it loudly).


Thank you all my friends, colleagues, co-workers, bosses (I had a quite few of those:), CD’s, ACD’s, AD’s, writers, account people, boring analytic crew, legals, project managers, campaign managers and their bosses (gotta mention Rebecca, God bless her heart), scary (and nice) clients and everyone else I’ve been having countless creative adventures with.

Thank you Barry, one of the best, most patient and understanding guys I’ve ever met. You made me change, man.
Thanks Chris, Michelangelo, Cass, Kenny (keep playing that bass bro!), Jeremiah, Evan, Christina and other team mates I did not mention here (don’t hate me for it).
Thanks Randy, C. Solano, Lauren, Tim1, Tim2, Matt, Ray and other people who left before me. You all had an impact on me. (Especially Randy, a boss, a mentor, a great man who taught me how to be modest, wise, and to make connections in HR, ‘cuz you never know when you may need them. He also showed us all the different ways to ride a tractor…)
Thanks David my Asian friend, Sam (My Arabic friend – you have the best seat in the house now, my man!), MyLou, Chris Walton, C.A., C. Ergonis, P.K., and many others I worked with on different teams and projects throughout the years.
Thank you Stu O’Neil for hiring me in the first place, while I was still doing Chevy Advertising for another Agency.
Thank you Mark Learst for being yourself (and for hating my band). You’re still cool:)
Thanks to all the PM team, they would come and go, never staying too long (Chad, Danielle, Amanda, Ben, the fat one (forgot her name, looked like a rhino in heat), Mary K…actually scrap that last one, fck that btch).
Thanks Brian K., you are a character I’ll remember.
Thanks James P., you were awesome and you left too early and too young.
Thanks Candyland, the sunshine place where traffic is actually fun.
Thanks OTL for all the overpriced food that tastes like wet cardboard a cat puked on.

Lastly, thank you Mark Bryant for all those awesome times, all the stuff we went through all the memories and stories I’ll be telling my grandchildren proving that I was once cool too (no way they will believe me though).

It’s time for me to say bye, and to move on, to another chapters and another adventures. Time to go to Neverland. But I’m sure that someday, somewhere, I’ll see you again.

This is not g00d bye.

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