by haris cizmic | Nov 3, 2013 | everything, photos
Web issue of Magazine “OverRated”, September 2011, Home page, featuring my photos and interview.
by haris cizmic | Nov 3, 2013 | everything, photos
My poster for the official music video of “In My Veins” 2012.
by haris cizmic | Nov 3, 2013 | everything, photos
I’ve published some tutorials and Photoshop files brushes in the Advanced Photoshop magazine – one of the most popular Photoshop Magazines worldwide.
by haris cizmic | Nov 3, 2013 | everything, photos
I had a very elaborate marketing scheme for the release of “In My Veins” (much more complex than for any music project I’ve released before). It also involved several rotating Facebook Timeline Canvases.
by haris cizmic | Nov 3, 2013 | everything, photos
My band Ingray was involved in Bret Michaels Rock of Love Bus project and Mindy Hall.