Welcome to my portfolio – the official website of Haris Cizmic. Let me say something about this site. Decision to make it mostly visual was made early in the production of the site. I wanted my work to speak for itself, even when being visually combined with many other things surrounding it. That’s why the site is black and white, except for the work pieces. Different styles, projects and designs mix, combine and create an unique mosaic of artwork. I know it is overwhelming, having so much $#@%^ at one place – My initial idea was to showcase just the best 20 jobs or so. Then I couldn’t decide which 20 jobs would be the best anyway; and since I can’t even find many great jobs I’ve done in past anymore (these are mostly random examples of my styles, skills, design and concept) – I’ve made a final decision to kill it with the quality but ALSO with the quantity. Being a professional for so many years, working for Agencies in Europe and the US and having some of the World’s biggest corporations as clients did help with the decision to include so many pieces. Is it too much – probably, but I consider this site / portfolio an art piece by itself, the one that’s made of many separate jobs.