Having in mind that I do up to a few thousand creative pieces a year, mostly for corporate clients and businesses on a very tight schedule, I have to drop some of my side projects like creativeartmarket (for URL availability check creativeartmarket.com) and downloadsoho (URL will be available for purchase soon).
I know I am neglecting this site and my blog section. It’s just that I’m so busy working on so many things for so many clients, that I don’t have time to even keep track of many hundreds of projects I’ve done for clients worldwide. I can surely say that I’ve done more creative design in the last 3 years than in some 10 years before that (including all the agency work, sidejobs, etc). Just go throught this website, see all the work in there, and multiply it by 10 or so….It’s not hectic, though. Recently I had to filter a lot of stuff coming in, so I am not doing (my very popular) chalkboards, CD/DVD covers (I did a few American rock/ metal/ country/ pop/ industrial covers lately though), Illustrations or book covers anymore (recently I did a cover for “America’s leading ladies” book, (that will apparently be featured on Oprah in November, as they told me). It’s not that I don’t want to do them anymore, I just don’t have time, and I only do the ones that matter. And that alone is a LOT.
“OK, SHOW US SOMETHING” – you say.
Here are just a few examples of my designs, pretty random though. I just grabbed stuff I could in a short time and threw it together. My work is regularly seen by millions worldwide, it’s on the web, in print, on TV, in stores, and everywhere else you can imagine.
So, yes, I had to start rejecting jobs, many jobs to be honest. I still want to help people, their startups, their re-branding, etc. but there is only one me and I don’t have luxury of time I could dedicate to all those people from everywhere. I did however do some cool audio stuff – I’ve released a single “Emma’s Play” that I scored for my daughter. I also released “Springtime Solitude”, an electronic instrumental sincle. Last week my album “Away” (that I originally recorded with my band Ingray in 2009) got released as a remastered, 10-year anniversary album. There are several bonus tracks and the cover is redone too. First reactions and reviews are great. (see more in “music” section of this site).
Sidenote: Some examples below are blurred – that’s not because my vision went to hell. It’s because I need to be careful about certain copyrights and to avoid any possibility of plagiarism of the projects that still may be in progress of producing or something. Also, I did not upload previews of many animated units: videos and online media banners, whiteboard or other animations I’ve done recently. I’ve finally found that in life sometimes you should just keep quiet about stuff. Being a modest guy that I am, it’s not a problem for me to keep my trap shut at least sometimes… 🙂
Way to many to count to be honest, and I probably wouldn’t be able to remember them all even with all my folders, drives and tools available to help. But just for the kicks, here are the few jobs that come to mind:
Lindt, Orion Corporation, Risenta, Flora, Kenwood, Castello, Mutti, McVitties, Oreo, Sopps, Findus, Pucko, Starbucks, Microsoft, Valio, Philips, Glade, McVities, Dr.Oetker, Milda, Semper, GoodYear, FujiFilm, Pepsi, Old ElPaso, Latta, Nescafe, Nestle, Lavazza, Tutti Frutti, Calvo, Sanda Maria, BeePink, Senoma, Samsung, Bonbon, Purina, Turkish Airlines, Bertolli, Arla, Barilla, Lenovo, Gainomax, Goodyear, Reima, Anthon Berg, Senseo, Ferrero, Skogaholm, Breyers, and many, many, many others. There are also bands, publishers, restaurants and other establishments, small and medium businesses, companies and professionals – from all over the place.
CRAP, THERE IS SO MUCH STUFF HERE…(Yes, and that’s not even remotely all)

In Closing:
There are (and have been) a LOT more creative designs done by me lately. I just can’t (and won’t) show it all here. If you need to see my work, there is more than PLENTY on this website. All kinds of work. Enough for days of browsing. And if you want to see some ultra new and cool things I”m working on, contact me with your request (and explanation) and I’ll be happy to send you some. But I won’t be posting single, or even multiple jobs done here. Lastly, I don’t have time to do blogs, and to select and collect creative artwork I do for posting on a website.