This is a strange little poster / flyer template I did around 2010-11, being encouraged by getting Envato’s Elite author status. I think I pioneered in using 3D rendered backgrounds and masks for Photoshop poster templated designs. That was a time before mock-up scene templates that are big today. This poster was welcomed by buyers and consumers, but unfortunately it was my first largely pirated item (I filed few dozen of DMCA takedown notices for it). I’ve done more of similar units, encouraged by the results and by public acceptance of this type of projects. Done with Cinema4D and PS
Check my custom graphic design templates and website graphics and goodies I do exclusively for GraphicRiver, Scarab13, DownloadSoho, CreativeArtMarket, ScaryPoster and other similar sites. Download them and use in minutes following few easy steps – photoshop knowledge is almost not needed at all! My graphic designs are internationally awarded and published in many professional magazines like Advanced Photoshop, Layers, etc.