Logo Designs, Poster - Haris Cizmic - Creative Services from Detroit to Sarajevo

There is a whole industry of graphic and web design templates out there, but my files are special because they have unsurpassed quality and organization that allows for easy use and makes any creative task a breeze. This is just a small example of my awesome collections of Layered .PSD Mock-ups, Posters, Logos, Backgrounds, Actions, Brushes, Catalogs, Flyers, Business Cards, CD Covers, Image Effects, Webdesign Elements and other files that even a Photoshop beginner user can modify in minutes – achieving variety of looks, combinations and colors. I am one of the top authors on GraphicRiver (and some other 3rd party sites), and a proud owner of Scarab13.com, DownloadSoho, PunkGraphic, ScaryPoster and CreativeArtMarket.com.


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