I’ve been working on a 2015 Lincoln Summer Event units for some time now. It’s a huge quarterly project, involving special promotions, new TV commercials, online media, mobile, etc. I did several HomePage takeovers, many online media units, banners, stuff for CNN, ESPN, NY Times, etc.

CNN pushdown unit 970×60, expanded to 400. Featuring new TV commercial.

My prototype animation for one of the online media banners. I like animating these myself so the vendor would have better idea about motion, effects, etc.

Concept of a Homepage Takeover for NY Times. Since this concept all the assets have changed, from the color of the kite, to the vehicle renderings. This is one of the early ideations.

Early concept of a HomePage takeover for Atlantic. Since then, all the assets have changed several times, from the scarf to the jelly’s.

Online Media Banners – Early concept featuring old assets.

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