Last weekend I did something that deserves to be listed here, even tho many projects I work on never get mentioned on my website (it’s crowded anyway). I got commissioned to come up with a design for a shirt, on a theme “All gave some, some gave all” (Military related – in case your mind is dirty). I love designing for military personal, veterans and other “brothers in arms”, since I was in the Army myself for some 5 years, in the early 90’s and I respect people who served, especially the ones who did give it all.
So I did the design (I also heavily discounted this job) and I like the result. I hopeĀ other will like it too.
UPDATE: (May 24 2016): Letter from a client:
“The shirt went over GREAT! We sold over 600 t-shirts and 150 polos with the design just in the last week. They are working their butts off in the back to keep production up with the demand.”