I just stumbled upon the artwork I did some time ago, for a client who wrote and was publishing a book for children. I have actually illustrated almost a dozen of books for kids over the years, so this brought back memories. I did my first such project around 1998 or so. Too bad I never got serious about it, because I never wanted to settle in my creative expression. I was always learning, trying new things – getting very good at them and moving on. OK back to the cover – it’s a hand made painting for the front cover. I have no idea whatever happened with the project, but it was fun doing it.

And this other one I did last night (an an hour or so) for a client who’s writing a book on weight loss. He wanted a playful, inspiring demonstration of what a modern couple would look like when they are at 110% and at only 80%. I made this illustration of same two people being tall, pretty and slim, as well as them being slightly overweight and looking older. It’s a quick little project but I’m about to do several more illustrations for this book.