I know I promised I won’t be posting many of my day-to-day work-related designs / units, but this one is important. Why, you ask? Well, because it’s entirely done in H5, as opposed to Flash (which is dead, dead, dead).
We still don’t have capabilities to simulate physics in subtle ways when using H5 and the whole thing looks and feels pretty much as going to the wrong direction (backwards) – mostly because we’re used to create awesome flash units in less than 40kb (with lots of love), while in H5 we’re pretty much limited in everything – motion, opacity, effects – BUT add the dynamic factor to it (everything is dynamic, pulled straight from the feed), and you’ll see the challenge here.
Every logo, image, line of copy, CTA, everything is entered in the database (for all the vehicles and all the markets and regions), so the H5 banner virtually BUILDS these units on the fly, while serving them! Impressive! BRILLIANT!
(aside from Truck Platform, there re also Car and SUV Platforms, all with different look and feel)